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Fresh and Healthy Eats


• Easy-to-prepare foods to help with joint pain and stiffness
• Recipes that are wholesome, flavorful with anti-inflammatory

• A list of vitamins and minerals I take on a daily basis

• A substitution list for your favorite nightshade vegetables

• My daily exercise routine

So what type anti-inflammatory recipes do I include in my arthritis cookbook? The photos pictured below are a few of the recipes included in my cookbook.

My arthritis cookbook is broken down into specific sections;  snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner, breads and muffins.  I understand we all have busy schedules and I tried to use minimal ingredients and seasonings to make each recipe tasty and flavorful.

When Opportunity Knocks

When Opportunity Knocks

What is holding you back from living the life that you truly want to live? Your limitations are only limited by your thinking. When you find your inner peace, know your life's purpose and have a clear vision, you will be able to travel the distance and seek out your highest potential.

This book will motivate, encourage, empower and inspire readers to be persistent in fulfilling their dreams and believe anything is possible. Every failure or obstacle has a silver lining but it’s up to you to look for the opportunity. Live to Believe Life is Series of Magical Miracles.

Inspirational Quotes For Challenging Times

This book is a collection of 70 original Inspirational Quotes (with Images) which inspired me during my difficulties. I am sharing these quotes in hopes they will encourage you to live for today knowing your tomorrows will get better. We all face challenges everyday but with every obstacle there is always growth. I want to encourage you to enlarge your vision and stay positive in your thoughts. Enjoy and never stop reaching for your rainbow!

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